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We can't wait to see you rocking out with us in the West Band! 

Please click the instruments and meet our private lesson staff as they introduce the available instruments.

Watch the videos below that to get an idea of what instrument you would like to play!


The flute is the highest pitched instrument in the beginning band. The flute is made of silver and is played by blowing across an opening in one end while the fingers press keys to change notes. With it's clear, penetrating sound, the flute often plays the melody in the band.


The trumpet is the highest instrument of the brass family.  It is recognized by its bright and clear sound.  The trumpet is frequently used to play melody.  Like some of the other instruments in the band, the trumpet is also used in jazz and pop music.  Similar to most brass instruments, the trumpet has three valves and is played by vibrating one's lips on a mouthpiece.

10% of the Beginner Band will be

selected for flute. 

Flute player personality traits: "contentious", "detailed", and "consistent"

Flute player physical characteristics: agile fingers, natural "frown" shape to the upper lip, even upper and lower jaw.

15% of the Beginning Band will be selected to play the trumpet.


Trumpet player personality traits:

"confident", "strong", and "enthusiastic"


Trumpet player physical traits:

thin and even lips, slight over bite okay

(3 of these performers in the video are from Coppell, 2 from West)


The oboe is similar in appearance to a clarinet, but it is played using a double reed instead of a single reed to produce its brilliant and distinct sound. Soloistic and melodious, the oboe is a special part of the band.  The oboe is a special instrument, and only a select few students will be chosen for oboe.


The French horn, also a member of the brass family, produces sound by buzzing into a small mouthpiece similar to a trumpet. Students with good musical ears, such as choir students, tend to be the most successful on this instrument. Recognized by its distinct coil shape, the french horn is one of the most commonly heard instruments in movie soundtracks, as it has the widest range of any brass instrument.

2% of the Beginner Band will be

selected for oboe.

Oboe player personality traits:  "studious", "dependable", and "diligent"

Oboe player physical characteristics:  even upper and lower jaws - no over or underbites, agile fingers, solid coordination.

8% of the Beginning Band will be selected to play the French Horn.

French horn personality traits:

"methodical" and "academic"

French horn physical traits:

thin and even lips, slight overbite okay, must have ability to match pitch, singing experience helpful


The bassoon, like the oboe, is a double reed instrument and only a few select students will be chosen for the bassoon.  It is the lowest sounding member of the woodwind family with it's dignified and majestic sound.  The bassoon is one of the most specialized instruments in the band, whereas universities and colleges seek out bassoonists who often recieve substantial scholarships. 


The trombone, easily recognized by its long slide, is one of the most powerful instruments in the band.  The slide is not marked with positions so having a good ear is a must. Playing primarily in the lower range of the band, the trombone is used both as a melodic and a supporting instrument.  Trombones are used in virtually every type of music, including jazz, blues, rock, and symphony orchestra.

2% of the Beginner Band will be selected for the bassoon.  


Bassoon player personality traits: "serious", "aspirational"


Bassoon player physical traits:  

slight overbite, agile thumbs, medium or greater handspan, coordination.

12% of the Beginning Band will be selected to play the trombone.


Trombone player personality traits:

"analytical" and "coordinated"


Trombone player physical traits:

medium to long arms, medium to full lips, great ear - singing experience
is helpful


The clarinet is a popular choice for Beginning Band. The sound is a large, beautiful woody texture with an extensive range.
The mouthpiece and single-reed produce the sound, unlike the double reed instruments above.


The euphonium (you-PHONE-knee-yum), sometimes known as the baritone, is a member of the brass family and looks like a miniature tuba. Its sound is similar to that of a trombone, but it uses valves like a trumpet instead of a slide. Though originally designed as a harmony instrument, the euphonium has grown to become one of the most popular band instruments for solo playing in the most recent years due to its rich sound.

15% of the Beginning Band will be selected for the clarinet.


Clarinet personality traits:

"focused" and "detailed"


Clarinet player physical traits: the ability to flatten chin; non-rounded bottom teeth

6% of the beginning band will be selected to play the euphonium.


Euphonium player personality traits: "artistic" and "unique"


Euphonium player physical traits:

medium to full lips work best, right hand agility and ability to sit up very straight


The saxophone is a woodwind instrument even thought it is made of brass.  Most people know the saxophone as they have heard it in jazz or rock music.  This instrument is versatile and is also used in the concert band.  Some saxophone players will also have the opportunity to play tenor or baritone saxophones after the beginning year.


The tuba is the most important instrument in the band.  It is the largest and lowest of the wind instruments. Despite its large size, even the smallest students can handle the tuba with proper instruction. Good tuba players are generally intelligent and assertive, with a passion for their instrument. Tuba players do not have to carry their instruments home every night. Instead, they will be issued an instrument to take home and leave home for practice.

9% of the beginning band will be selected to play the saxophone.


Saxophone player personality traits: "mellow", "driven", and "competitive"


Saxophone player physical traits: 

ability to sit straight and tall, agile hands

6% of the Beginning Band will be selected to play the tuba.


Tuba player personality traits:

"unique" "reliable" "consistent"


Tuba player physical traits:

ability to sit up straight, medium

to full lips


The percussion section is one of the most misunderstood sections of the band. Often referred to as “drums”, this name is actually a very incomplete description of what is involved in playing percussion. Percussionists learn to play a number of instruments, including mallet instruments like bells and xylophone, battery percussion like the snare and bass drums, and accessory percussion instruments like the tambourine and triangle.  Enrollment for this course is limited, and students wishing to play percussion will need to attend an additional evaluation before students will be selected for this instrument.

Only 10-12 students will be selected for the percussion section.


Percussionist personality traits: 


Percussionist physical traits:

high gross motor and fine motor skills, coordination, multi-tasker


COPYRIGHT © 2022   l   COPPELL MIDDLE SCHOOL WEST BAND   l   2701 RANCH TRAIL   l   DALLAS, TX   l   75019   l   214.496.8600
This website is owned and maintained by the Coppell Middle School West Band staff and parents. This website is not sanctioned, affiliated, or supported by Coppell ISD or its schools. Furthermore, this website contains links to other websites which are independently run. The Coppell Middle School West Band is not responsible for the privacy practices, activities, or content of such independent sites and applications.
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